Toguro was once a person who had ordinary skills in fighting. He trained alot for self-improvement in terms of martial arts. One day,he invited some friends into a simple competition. That day could have been a day of fun to him but it became a nightmare to him instead when a hideous youkai appeared with unlimited strength. It killed all his friends and he wasn't able to protect them. That was the time he wanted to become stronger, to have absolute power. He trained himself to the fullest to be prepared to face the youkai who killed his friends. He met Genkai during those days and became his partner in the past Ankoku Bujutsukai. Toguro joined the tournament after hearing that the youkai who killed his friends would be there. Toguro and Genkai defeated that monster and became the champions. However, Toguro wasn't satisfied about it. He still wanted more power because he feared that one day someone would emerge and defeat him, and because of that, he sold his soul to the king of darkness and became a youkai. At that point on, he and Genkai got seperated and never saw each other until 50 years later. He was killed by yusuke with the help of kuwabara during the previous ankoku.

He is smaller than his brother, and is constantly riding on his back. I'm not quite sure why though.
He squeaks and makes other obnoxious noises and his voice is high pitched. Aniki means older brother, thus Toguro Ani is the eldest Toguro brother. His body is apparently rubbery and he can stretch and manipulate it at will. He cannot die. Yep an annoying, psychotic immortal...
just what the world needs.

The bishounen of the Toguro team. He wears a mask over his nose and mouth and has a little fetish for destroying things he likes. I believe we would call him a sadist. He enjoys inflicting pain all too much. Karasu wears a mask to hinder his demonic abilites. When the mask is removed he becomes ten times more dangerous.

Karasu controls bombs (when I get time I will list off the Japanese names for the ones he uses in the Anime.)
He has speed that compares to (and beats) Kurama's.


he is the second member of the Toguro team. He is dressed in loads of armor and you can't see his face. He doesn't talk much either. Bui's armor holds back his profound strenght and Ki.

He carries a large (I mean HUGE) ax which he swings as though it's a twig. He is very very strong.
You Ki. Bui can fight much like Yuusuke with you ki. He throws it in large balls. He has the ability to throw Hiei's Koku Ryuu Ha back at him.


First appeared during the Yukina series in the Black Black Club. He has apparently hired the Toguro brothers to help him make enough money to create a hole between the Human and the Demon Worlds, so the Human world will become more interesting. ::mutters something about psychopath:: Apparently Sakyo grew up in a totally normal family, but he was the warped kind of kid that enjoys picking wings off flies, dissecting kitty cats and breaking puppies legs. And I can tell you, folks, attitudes like that don't improve with age. Sakyo is more like spoiled milk than fine wine. Sakyo is the owner of the Toguro Team.


The Toguro


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