The last arc in Yu Yu Hakusho occurs in the Makai. Yusuke goes to help his father, and ends up having to fight in the Makai Bujutsukai (Demon world Martial Arts Tournament). The winner of this tournament will become the new ruler of the Makai and everyone else will bow to their will no matter what it is.

Raizen is the last of the three rulers of the Makai. He refuses to eat human meat unlike Mukuro and because of this he is starving and dying slowly. He is animalistic all the time with a quick temper. He is probably the strongest of the three lords but as he starves, he weakens. He's fast with explosive power.

Raizen's Generals
Three of Raizen's S-class generals come to Ningenkai to ask Yuusuke for his assistance. Two aren't named, all have to wear a leech-like animal that reduces their power when they come to the human world.
Hokushin is the leader of these three. He is the shortest of the group. He speaks the most and fights Yuusuke in front of the Kuroko house. Hokushin, apart from being an S-classed demon, can manipulate his body like silly putty. It makes it very hard to hurt him.

Enki and Koko
Enki and Koko are married. They are close friends of Raizen. Enki is large and sweet. He isn't terribly intellegent though. Koko has a tendency to get drunk and complain, but she cares a great deal about her friends.

Natsume and her brother were friends of Raizen, she fights against Chuu who falls madly in love with her. She seems to be more interested in the fight, but she doesn't dissuay Chuu from his affection.

Raizen's Friends

Yomi was a comrade of Youko Kurama in the past. They raided many demonic castles, together with their thieves guild. Contrary to Youko Kurama's cool and calculating personality, Yomi was brash and hot-headed. He enjoyed the act of killing and had no sense of honor, particularly to his fallen comrades. One night, in one of Yomi's raids, his group was ambushed by a wasp-like demon. The assassin killed all the thieves but Yomi, who was badly wounded. As a result, he was blinded by the assassin's attack. Fortunately for him, he stabbed the demon and he flew away. With his eyes gone, he became helpless and he fell to a near cliff and collapsed. However, he never gave up. He embraced his disability and used it to his advantage. He harnessed his spiritual powers and grew 4 pairs of ears as his "eyes." When he achieved the status of an S-Class demon, he hunted down the assassin and kept him in a locked room, where he was tortured and dismembered him while he was still alive.

Yomi's son created out of a machine. Shura was created so they both could defeat Yusuke in the Makai tournament, but Yomi unavoidably faced him in a match and Shura was defeated eventually. After the competition, they both decided to carry on their training to prepare themselves for the next tournament. Alternatively, Shura possesses remarkable strength, agility, and speed that are, of course, beyond his years. However, he still had some childish gestures which is unavoidable since he is still a child.

Tora is Yomi's second in command when Kurama joins them. He is the one who sends the weed demon to possess Shiichi. He's the typical war general, stiff, grumpy and trigger happy.



Mukuro first shows up completely covered in bandages and spells. The spells hold back her power the bandages cover her face and hands. She is one of three demon lords that currently rule the Makai. She is VERY strong. She contacts Hiei to get him to join her in the upcoming tournament. Her history is rough much like most makai citizens. She was enslaved as a child and brought up by an abusive obese man with some distasteful hobbies. One thing he did to her left the right side of her face disfigured. She escaped from him and fell into a river floating far away. When she woke up she tried to remove the cuffs on her hands but couldn't manage to. Since her escape she has built up her abilites to what they are today, and still the handcuffs remain on.

Shigure is a servant of Mukuro, he and Hiei have a past together. Shigure is the demon that implanted the Jagan in Hiei's head. Shigure uses a hoola-hoop type sword which he can throw at an opponent, or hoola-hoop as a defense, he can recall it to himself like a boomerang. It can cut through just about anything. He is also pierced in more places than you can count.



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